SANET is a toolbox for analyzing events that occur along networks or alongside networks e.g., car crashes on roads and beauty parlors in downtown streets, respectively.
Networks may be roads, rivers, pipe-lines, cables, etc.
Q: In Tool for kernel density estimation, it always stop in the process of calculation. I’m not sure about which amount of the both parameters band width and cell width are good for my case.
Answer: The kernel density estimation method requires much computation. Therefore, you may not get the result if your computers do not run fast or memory is limited. Heavy computation may result from circuits whose constituting links are short. In this case, the tail of a kernel function goes around the circuits many times. This implies that computational time depends on the characteristics of a given network.
A practical method is to start with a small bandwidth and large cell size. If you get the result and the result looks not "natural", then you increase bandwidth and/or cell size. This is a try-and-error process.
Q: In Tool for K funciton analysis, multiple events at a point are well counted?
Answer: Yes. SANET operates such events separetly.
Q1: What is the requirements for SANET Ver4.1 Beta?
Answer: Requirements are as follows,
- COMPLETE package of ArcGIS 9.3 / 10
- To change the local language settings to English, if your setting is not. Some troubles could occur from decimal points in language settings.
Q2: I get an error installing SANET. Error 1001: unable to get installer types.
Answer: Both File and folder names can only be in English letters and numbers. All data in attribute table can also only be in English letters and numbers.
Q3: When I enter the license key, it says "invalid key".
Answer: Please open your computer as an adiministrator, and put the lisence key number with -, for example, 1234-5378-9123-4567-8912.
Q4: I tried to register using the SANET4.1 License Register and I get a window saying "fail".
Answer: You should login as the computer administrator and retry registration.
Q5: I get an error message: "Failed to create spatial index file."
Answer: This error occurs when users use different coordinate systems for plural data sets such as point data sets or network data sets. Please use and set the same orthogonal coordinate system for each data set.
Q6: I get an error message: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
Answer: This error can occur when users use group layers. Please use a root layer and put your shape files in that root layer.
Q7: I get an error message with "snap_ArcMap.cmmnArcMap."
Answer: This error can occur when the field delimiter is "." (dot) such as "999.999,999". It is "," (comma) in the US or Japan such as "999,999.999", and SANET is developed for this manner.
When users PC's location is set to the United States, it could work normally.
Q8: The resulting map does not seem to be correct.
Answer: Please see your PolyLine shapefile whether it has any errors or not. For example, there can not be a node at the point where two links intersect. If not, you must add the node using ArcMap.
Q9: In Tool 02, what is the definition of the column "average" in the SANETKDensitySgt output layer.
Answer: The value of "average" is the arithmetic mean of both estimated kernel
density values at each vertex of a line segment of a polyline.
The unit of the density
value of points on a line segment depends on the
coordinate system used by a user. In case of UTM, the unit is per meter.
Q10: In Tool 02, it always stop in the process of calculation for kernel density estimation.
Answer: Please start with small band width, say 50, and large cell width 100. Then please try larger values if necessary.
Q11: I have trouble displaying the graphics output in R. Is there an R package that I must install or am I missing a step?
Answer: Users must have just the R base package. If you want other information on R, please see some websites such as http://www.r-project.org/ .
Q12: In Tool 05, a .R file is created. When this file is opened in R window, we can see a chart for the K-function. In this chart, what is "Cumulative number of points"?
Answer: We can count the number of points within a shortest path distance d from a point, and calculate the total count for all points.This is "Cumulative number of points" for distance d. It's maximum number is {the number of base points} * {the number of base points - 1}.
Q: I am getting an "Overflow" error....
Answer: It is known that SANET gives users Overflow messages if the data source is too large. A rough estimate of the maximum number of polylines that each SANET tool can manage is 7,000.?@One way to cope with this problem is to work on a smaller study area. Another way is to simplify the network by eliminating redundant polyline points from the network. The latter is realized by applying "Generalization" tool, which is offered by an ArcGIS toolbox called "ET GeoTools". You can download it from the following website: http://www.ian-ko.com/
Q: Can I use SANET 3 with ArcGIS 10?
Answer: No. SANET 3 has never been verified to work with ArcGIS 10. Please use SANET4.1.